i don't think i have already reviewed one of your movies, but i forget so i'll do it again. YOU ARE GOD. Ever since i started flash this is the shit that blew my mind, i would look at my crappy fbf stick movies in which i hadn't yet discovered motion tweens, then i would watch this over and over again, not believing my eyes. Looking back on these movies 3 years later i have finally reached the skill level at 18 that you had when you were when you were 17, but still i dont have the imagination to think up something quite like this. maybe this is so awesome because its cinematic with the music and the movie like dialogue and action sequences. this series is FUCKING AWESOME, i cant say much more than that.
I discovered explosm beginnning of last year, that ended up being my favourite thing that blew my mind once more (i think my minds been blown about 4 times) by the incredibly funny comic strips that the site made EVERYDAY, and also the smooth flash movies too. Then one day i realised you were part of that site and i was like holy shit you truly are god, you seem to be behind everything that i love about flash and in explosms case, humour. please for the love of god finish the FUCKING 7TH MOVIE! iv been waiting for a FUCKING YEAR its horrible to wait for something this long, almost as bad as the wait for the 2nd matrix movie,anyway, enough bitching, i love this series, i love your work, your my god